Vapevent International Vape Trade Show
2018-04-04    View:4232

Vapevent International Vape Trade Show is open to B2B only. Many retailers stopped by the Efest booth on the first

day.The most popular batteries at the show were the purple Efest 18650 3000mAh and 2600mAh. There was not

any negative feedback about our batteries. The best sellers in the e-cigarette market are the Efest LUC series chargers,

especially the LUC V4 and LUC V6 chargers. Also, the Efest LUSH series charger are very popular as well. On the

second day, most visitors who stopped by the Efest booth told us they are already Efest retailers and the Efest products

are selling particularly well. Other visitors passing by expressed that they are already using the best Efest charger.

Even though Vapevent NewYork was only open to B2B, we gained a lot of positive feedback from the visitors and

exhibitors for our batteries and chargers. They said that our brand is trustworthy and our Efest batteries and chargers

are particularly good, regardless of quality or price. We were also told that more and more customers are choosing the

Efest brand now. The sales volume is higher than Nitecore, Xtar, MXJO, etc... With our Efest customer groups

spreading over 106 countries worldwide, NewYork Efest fans keep increasing!

For a manufacturer, our greatest aspect would consist of our impressionable customer service! During the show, one

of our customers wanted to charge his batteries through the Efest charger. We noticed his battery wrapper was broken

and educated him on the possible dangerous outcomes because of this. We explained that a broken wrapper can

result in a short circuit or even explode accidentally! As a gift, we offered him a free PVC box. Customer safety is always

the number one priority. Whether it’s a battery case or even a battery wrapper replacement, we always assure the user’s

safety first. The customer threw away his broken battery and bought an Efest battery immediately. He appreciated the

3-year warranty our chargers came with and was blown away by our impeccable customer service.


Shenzhen Fest Technology Co.,Ltd

Quality Achieves Brand, Brand Creates Value 

Choose Efest, Choose Trust, Choose High Quality